Wednesday, July 1, 2009

He's getting the BIG Truck

"When I get bigger Mommy, I 'm gonna get a BIG truck, wif BIG lights, and BIG seats, and BIG tires, just like my Dad." Announces the Noodle Doodle on the way to drop off at daycare today, hands flying all around as I gaze at him in the rear view mirror.

"Oh yea, a BIG truck, huh?"

"Yeah, Mommy, wif big lights, just like my Dad's."

(we're still working on the "th" sound)

His hands are making that BIG gesture, so big I thought he might crack himself in the head.

"Oh, sounds nice."

"You know, Mommy, I already am bigger, I mean when I get really bigger, that's when I'm gonna get that BIG truck."

He wants to be big so bad. Today I will try to start accepting that!


1 comment:

Sunflower Ranch said...

I love your blog! There is an award waiting for you at my blog at this page:

Congratulations!! :D